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Holiday Party at
Manzanita Ranch 2004

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This was Tom & Larry's 5th year hosting the neighborhood holiday party on Christmas Day.  As usual, lots of neighbors and friends were in and out. 


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Christmas at Manzanita Ranch
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"T" has a way with Chocolate.  See an example of her work on the left.  She has recreated "Manzanita Ranch" in chocolate.  Tom & Larry's house in the middle.  Cari and Michaela's house on the left.  Nick, Randal, Jerry and Albert in the two houses to the right.

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George and Dan training for the

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Air Hockey 

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You spend BIG CASH on expensive gifts, but the $15 "stuffer" toy gets all the attention.

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Art Studio
In addition to food, friends, family and neighbors, this party featured ART!  Vicki L. would be so proud.


Event 12/25/04